Friday, April 3

Actualize Your Spiritual Potential

Actualize Your Spiritual Potential

Roy Eugene Davis

The average person's habitual thoughts, emotional states, lifestyle preferences, and behaviors—and thus their personal circumstances—are primarily determined by subliminal (below the threshold of conscious awareness) inclinations and tendencies. So long as this condition prevails, life is experienced as a semi-conscious dream; random accomplishments are of little value; spiritual growth, if it occurs at all, is minimal.

To awaken from this dreamlike condition and begin to actualize one's innate spiritual potential, the question that needs to be asked is, "What is life for?" If the answer to this important question does not immediately arise to the surface of awareness, the fact that it is sincerely asked will attract a response from Universal Mind referred to by Ralph Waldo Emerson as "the one Mind which is common to all of us." Information will then be provided in ordinary ways, which may be intuitively recognized as being valid.

Over half a century ago, in an endeavor to apprehend the meaning of life, I prayed for guidance and avidly read the writings of people who were considered to be enlightened—knowledgeable because of their flawless insights and their personal experiences of life's processes. I discovered that saints and sages of various philosophical traditions are in agreement in regard to why we are in this world. We are here to:

To live in harmony with the laws (processes) of nature by using our knowledge and abilities constructively. By doing this, we can unfold our innate potential, experience personal fulfillment, and make a useful contribution to society and the ongoing trends of evolution.


  • To learn to experience the easy fulfillment of wholesome desires which enhance our lives and benefit others. By doing this, we can accomplish our worthy purposes and experience enjoyment without attachments to our actions or to their results.


  • To learn to have our needs spontaneously satisfied by the responsiveness of the universe. As our awareness becomes clarified and expanded, we become increasingly conscious of the one Power that enlivens the universe and discover that, as we compliantly cooperate with it, it unfailingly provides resources, supportive events, and appropriate relationships for our highest good.

  • To respond to our innate soul urge to have our awareness restored to wholeness by nurturing our spiritual growth until we are fully Self- and God-realized. The Self of us, which is to be acknowledged and directly experienced, is our immortal, true nature. We are individualized units of the one field of Consciousness commonly referred to as God.

Endeavors to accomplish all four of these primary purposes of life can be applied simultaneously. While choosing to live in accord with the laws of nature, we can also perform effective actions and be receptive to the fulfillment of desires, have faith that our needs will be met, and unfold and express our soul qualities. The key to doing this is to be established in awareness of Being while performing useful actions.

At the innermost level of our Being, knowledge of Consciousness and its processes is innate to us; here, we are always serenely conscious of our wholeness. It is only at the surface of our awareness that confusion and conflict may occur. This is why the teachers of most enlightenment traditions recommend that contemplative prayer and meditation be learned and regularly practiced.

Although the side benefits of meditation—some of which are stress reduction, strengthening of the body's immune system, enlivening of the nervous system, and orderly thinking—can be welcomed, the primary purpose of practice is to accomplish the stage of alert, tranquil awareness which allows superconsciousness to be experienced. The superior influences of superconsciousness weaken and eradicate problem-causing subconscious influences and improve the meditator's intellectual powers, allowing authentic spiritual growth to spontaneously occur in the course of time.

The key to effective living and to spiritual growth that results in emotional maturity and clarified, expanded states of consciousness is mastery of attention. A spiritually unawake person's awareness is overly identified with mental and emotional states, physical sensations, and objective circumstances. A spiritually awake person, because established in Self- (soul) awareness, is able to view thoughts, moods, physical sensations, and objective circumstances with insightful dispassion and to consciously live with meaningful purpose.

Purposes which have value (which enhance and spiritually enrich our lives and the lives of others and which nurture the planet) are meaningful; purposes which have little or no value are meaningless. Focusing attention and actions on meaningful purposes, then, is a spiritual practice.

During a conversation with truth seekers, my guru Paramahansa Yogananda said, "There is a fundamental purpose for our lives. To know it, we must understand where life comes from and where it is going. We must consider life's highest potential for development and look beyond our immediate goals to what we ultimately want to accomplish."

What do we want to accomplish during our sojourn on Planet Earth? Have we chosen to be victims of circumstances? Or are we intent upon learning how to live effectively so that we can experience the unfoldment and actualization of our innate potential as quickly as possible? We can easily determine the degree of our spiritual awareness by self-honestly examining how we view ourselves in relationship to life and our habitual behaviors. The seven stages of soul unfoldment have been described as follows:

1. Unconsciousness. Awareness is almost completely identified with conditioned mental states, erroneous beliefs and opinions (delusions), and illusions (misperceptions of what is observed). Apathy, disinterest, and boredom are common characteristics. If one is religious, one may seek refuge in a system of beliefs to comfort the mind.

2. Dysfunctional self-consciousness. The self-conscious state is egocentric: mind-, body-, and personality-centered. Although awareness is somewhat clarified and curiosity about life and the possibilities it offers is compelling, delusions and illusions prevail. Psychological conflicts may be troublesome. Because intellectual powers are not yet highly developed, endeavors to comprehend higher realities (even though sincere) are not always fruitful. There may be a tendency to presume illusions and fantasies to be the truth.

3. Functional self-consciousness. Although still self-conscious, one has fewer psychological problems, is able to more easily exercise freedom of choice, is more goal oriented, and is able to efficiently accomplish purposes which are considered to be of value. Functional self-consciousness provides a firm foundation upon which to investigate higher realities and to nurture spiritual growth.

4. Superconsciousness. Purified intellectual powers and intuition enable one to clearly discern the difference between ordinary states of fragmented awareness and the essence of one's Being, the true Self. When superconsciousness is stable, Self-realization is permanent.

5. Cosmic consciousness. As superconscious influences further purify the mind and refine the nervous system, episodes of cosmic awareness progressively unfold, providing clear perceptions of the wholeness of life.

6. God-consciousness. As cosmic consciousness matures, the reality of God, the one field of Consciousness, is directly apprehended and experienced.

7. Full enlightenment. Now completely spiritually awake, with all delusions (erroneous ideas) and illusions (misperceptions) absent, the totality of life is flawlessly comprehended. Soul awareness is liberated.

Is it possible to actually experience satisfying spiritual growth while attending to duties and responsibilities and relating to rapidly changing social conditions? Yes, it is possible. All that is required of us is aspiration to excellence, a clear sense of purpose, Self- (soul) confidence, willingness to learn how to live effectively reinforced by determination to do so, and compliant cooperation with the universal, impersonal processes of life that can and will produce the desired results.

Roy Eugene Davis is an internationally recognized teacher of spiritual growth processes, the author of many books, and the founder-director of Center for Spiritual Awareness with offices and a meditation retreat center in the northeast Georgia mountains.

Copyright 2002, All rights reserved.


Saturday, February 28


relief, goal obtained

effort somewhat arduous

breathe, for now it's done

Friday, February 27

good morning

the morning is pink

and the periwinkle sky

sparkles possiblities

Thursday, February 26



where souls travel

on their way

out to sea

Wednesday, February 25


I feel like writing a rhyme

it may end up being all about time

or maybe I'll ponder space

I've been wondering about that place

we go when we sleep

sometimes it feels so deep

maybe it's a journey

to a place not far away

but to a spot that's very near

and can hold more

than a little fear

Tuesday, February 24

winter's release



a shorter month

more intense


a time of change

shifting winds

until the springtime

takes the upper hand

Monday, February 23


inaction does not exist

choose to act? choose to react?

we each must decide;

which is easier? we ask

it all depends on the frame

Sunday, February 22

oaks' power

two oaks standing, reach

for the sky. reaching low, their

roots tap the earth and

 wisely ground the animals

who live to roam and protect

Saturday, February 21

aging (viewed in the light)

like cherry blossoms

delicate, splendid, short-lived

giving way to fruit

nourishing richness, the seed

within, promises new life

Friday, February 20

symmetry and synchronicity

symmetry shows reflection


shows connection; both hold the

mystery and are held in

 our collective history

Thursday, February 19

fear or trust?

feeling swept away

and carried by the current

only for a day

why resist and keep control?

honor trust, there is no fail

if effort prevails

and keeps life tied and trussed

with no surprises,

still there is no guarantee

the result would be more just

so when the mighty river swells,

I'll endeavor to let go,

enjoy the ride, and trust.

Wednesday, February 18

peace within

coming home

to that space inside

filled with love and never fear

always someone there to hear

hay siempre personna que oir

listening silently

to all that is dear

Tuesday, February 17


prisms suspended
the sun's pure light divided
revealing depth

Monday, February 16


what is the rain saying to me?

it whispers so softly

and moistens the dry

softly, like cotton

la lluvia


the earth, and her animals;

her plants and her rocks

raindrops and torrents

through treetops and forests


for rain, do not exist

courageously, it does persist

until one day, the sun will shine

and rain will go until

it's time

Sunday, February 15

Air Moves Us

Air moves us
Fire transforms us
Water shapes us
Earth heals us
And the balance of the wheel
Goes round and round
And the balance of the wheel goes round.

- Cathleen Shell, Cybele, Moonsea, Prune

seasonal pattern

rather than reasons

we have our four seasons


each with a different voice


born to hope


rains refresh

and bring growth


while harvest

brings us the "prize"


finally time comes

to rest a bit


we close our weary eyes

Saturday, February 14

dimensions of experience

we notice space

we notice time

but when you look,

can't you see -

all that is and all that could be?

decide what you want

and then observe

signs will

show you what to note

follow your river

stay on your boat

and you will get

to where you're going

then when you arrive,

you will see

all will be


what you believe

Thursday, February 12


oh how I savor the unfolding knowing

which the years surely do bring


I can't understand it

the message was sent

but now we are turning towards spring


the rain keeps on falling

not really squalling


bringing on feeling

and subsequent healing

to our infinite world's own pain


sun and rain

wind and fire

cancel the game



Wednesday, February 11

life on earth

poetry and reason

faithfulness and treason

arbitrary seasons

all wrapped into


Tuesday, February 10


one night I understood


all that is,

is connected


because this theory

bends my mind,

I asked for signs


spacetime bent and complied

Monday, February 9


gazing through the glass

 the dark provides reflection

light shows us the truth

Sunday, February 8

tanka on the mountain

at times the light dims

energy diffused, dispersed

shifting inertia

at the summit, feel the sun

recharge, shine; above the fog

Saturday, February 7

bad dreams

There sometimes can be fear

when darkness swallows light

I promise to shine bright on you

when nighttime brings on fright

Friday, February 6

early spring

deep roots, baby leaves

tiny blossoms now appear

harvest foreshadowed

Thursday, February 5


Nurtured by the earth

And inspired by the sky

The trees synthesize

Wednesday, February 4


I always know

just what I know

but how do I know?

I just know it,

you know.

Tuesday, February 3



by a virus,

 rest is all he needs;

his body knows,

just what to do;

healing is automatic

Monday, February 2

Feb 1st & 2nd

the sun rises warm
burning fog from the landscape
i am radiant


the first flowers bloom
yellow, to announce the spring
coming, in due time
the wheel, always in motion;
after resting, our earth shines


We can (and must) burn off our own fog.

Sunday, February 1


the first flowers bloom
yellow, to announce the spring
coming, in due time
the wheel, always in motion;
after resting, our earth shines

Saturday, January 31

The Net

We are all snagged in it, but it is dissolving.

Saturday, January 3

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire
world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.

- Albert Einstein

intimacy is

the art of finding balance between safety and excitement.